You are the ~[SsG]~oholic

~Welcome to the Official ~[SsG]~ Website~

This is the official site of the Sesame Street Gangsters Team Fortress Classic Clan.  Try saying that really fast.  The late breaking news from PlanetFortress is that the ~[SsG]~ is taking TFC servers by storm.  We are ripping up the opposition with amazing technical offense aswell as holding the fort down with precise defense that takes out anyone in its path.  Soon there will be some intersting stuff about the ~[SsG]~.  We hope to add players and player profiles.  Currently there will be minimal information on clan members, but it is a start.

A clan match might be in the future for the ~[SsG]~.  I personally feel that the ~[SsG]~ could fair well against TRoD panzies who are only spies and medics.  If any other clan members are thinking clan match, put out the word and we should rig up a match with a clan one of these days.

~Meet The Sesame Street Gangsters~


Sorry for any inconvenience, but the Official ~[SsG]~ page is under construction and should hopefully be more rigged up soon.

Favorite ~SsG~ Music is by: